Friday, September 14, 2007


Top 10 things I learned while in Bolivia:

10. Titikaka is named after a large stone on Isla Del Sol that resembles a puma. Titi means puma and kaka means stone. Can you see the Puma in the below picture? It is facing away from us and to the left.
From Lake Titicaca

9. Llamas are much better than donkies at going up steep inclines, but if you give a llama too much to carry, it will spit on you.
From Salar de Uyun...

8. The Bolivian national animal is the vicuña, which is like a small llama. You can get up to 30 years in jail for killing them.
From Salar de Uyun...

8. Llama meat has much less fat than beef, but is a little tougher.
From Salar de Uyun...

7. Instead of using signs designating where they are going, public transportation in La Paz has a person hired to shout out the window.
From La Paz

6. Watch out for holes in the sidewalk when walking around La Paz.
From La Paz

5. A bus from La Paz to Copacabana includes a short ferry trip across Lake Titicaca. The bus driver simply tells you to get off the bus and get on a boat, leaving your baggage on the bus. We crossed our fingers and followed his advice, and somehow it worked out. Our bus is in the background of the below picture.
From Lake Titicaca

4. Cars in La Paz rarely obey traffic lights, but there are friendly people dressed as Zebras to help you cross safely.
From La Paz

3. Almuerzos are a set three course lunch that usually cost about $1 US.
From La Paz

2. Always carry spare toilet paper in your pocket.
From Salar de Uyun...

1. Always check the hot water before staying in a hotel. Many hotels only have hot water during certain hours or, even worse, have a very liberal definition of "agua caliente".

1 comment:

Einar Örn said...

Aaaah, this brings back some good memories. Bolivia is absolutely crazy! :-)